петък, 29 октомври 2010 г.
The Kooks - I want you back
Take me back to the place where i
loved that girl for all time;
Why must life just take away
every good thing one at a time?
I want it back
well, yes, I want it back;
Yes, I want you back,
Please, give it me back
'cause I want you,
but i can't let myself love you.
събота, 23 октомври 2010 г.
Losing belongings... it's not always a matter of being careful
Bad habits - everyone has them. (I think so)
I sometimes hold something and place it mechanically somewhere, forgetting where I've put it afterwards; sometimes even forgetting that I ever put it anywhere and/or ever holding it. I'm occupied with something, not realizing I am holding it, and then, BAAM--- where did it go?
Every time it happens, it pisses me off; I'm annoyed with myself; The last thing I lost is my phone... so I wrote it a poem.
One & Only
fate separated us…
Oh, my one and only,
you'd been here
when i was feelin' lonely
and had to shed a tear;
we'd had fun, we'd been close;
but now as you're gone
frustration and irritation arose
‘cuz i've lost you, my one&only phone.
Feeling much better now!:) Have a good night.
>p.s. -> http://theoatmeal.com/comics/literally
I sometimes hold something and place it mechanically somewhere, forgetting where I've put it afterwards; sometimes even forgetting that I ever put it anywhere and/or ever holding it. I'm occupied with something, not realizing I am holding it, and then, BAAM--- where did it go?
Every time it happens, it pisses me off; I'm annoyed with myself; The last thing I lost is my phone... so I wrote it a poem.
One & Only
fate separated us…
Oh, my one and only,
you'd been here
when i was feelin' lonely
and had to shed a tear;
we'd had fun, we'd been close;
but now as you're gone
frustration and irritation arose
‘cuz i've lost you, my one&only phone.
Feeling much better now!:) Have a good night.
>p.s. -> http://theoatmeal.com/comics/literally

четвъртък, 14 октомври 2010 г.
The Last Shadow Puppets - I Don't Like You Anymore
I don't like you anymore
You've fallen for the faux again
Enticed me
for a second time today
Only for me to realise the same
I don't like you anymore
You're cracked and your face changing
You're going down the old route
But I can't let you repeat, repeat it again
The sound of your voice
Is piercing my patience
As it seeps on through the midnight
Love this song, so full of disappointment, frustration, irritation.
сряда, 13 октомври 2010 г.
I Would I Were a Careless Child (Lord Byron)
I Would I Were a Careless Child
I would I were a careless child,
Still dwelling in my highland cave,
Or roaming through the dusky wild,
Or bounding o'er the dark blue wave;
The cumbrous pomp of Saxon pride
Accords not with the freeborn soul,
Which loves the mountain's craggy side,
And seeks the rocks where billows roll.
Fortune! take back these cultured lands,
Take back this name of splendid sound!
I hate the touch of servile hands,
I hate the slaves that cringe around.
Place me among the rocks I love,
Which sound to Ocean's wildest roar;
I ask but this -- again to rove
Through scenes my youth hath known before.
Few are my years, and yet I feel
The world was ne'er designed for me:
Ah! why do dark'ning shades conceal
The hour when man must cease to be?
Once I beheld a splendid dream,
A visionary scene of bliss:
Truth! -- wherefore did thy hated beam
Awake me to a world like this?
I loved -- but those I loved are gone;
Had friends -- my early friends are fled:
How cheerless feels the heart alone
When all its former hopes are dead!
Though gay companions o'er the bowl
Dispel awhile the sense of ill;
Though pleasure stirs the maddening soul,
The heart -- the heart -- is lonely still.
How dull! to hear the voice of those
Whom rank or chance, whom wealth or power,
Have made, though neither friends nor foes,
Associates of the festive hour.
Give me again a faithful few,
In years and feelings still the same,
And I will fly the midnight crew,
Where boist'rous joy is but a name.
And woman, lovely woman! thou,
My hope, my comforter, my all!
How cold must be my bosom now,
When e'en thy smiles begin to pall!
Without a sigh I would resign
This busy scene of splendid woe,
To make that calm contentment mine,
Which virtue knows, or seems to know.
Fain would I fly the haunts of men--
I seek to shun, not hate mankind;
My breast requires the sullen glen,
Whose gloom may suit a darken'd mind.
Oh! that to me the wings were given
Which bear the turtle to her nest!
Then would I cleave the vault of heaven,
To flee away and be at rest.
Lord Byron, (George Gordon)
I would I were a careless child,
Still dwelling in my highland cave,
Or roaming through the dusky wild,
Or bounding o'er the dark blue wave;
The cumbrous pomp of Saxon pride
Accords not with the freeborn soul,
Which loves the mountain's craggy side,
And seeks the rocks where billows roll.
Fortune! take back these cultured lands,
Take back this name of splendid sound!
I hate the touch of servile hands,
I hate the slaves that cringe around.
Place me among the rocks I love,
Which sound to Ocean's wildest roar;
I ask but this -- again to rove
Through scenes my youth hath known before.
Few are my years, and yet I feel
The world was ne'er designed for me:
Ah! why do dark'ning shades conceal
The hour when man must cease to be?
Once I beheld a splendid dream,
A visionary scene of bliss:
Truth! -- wherefore did thy hated beam
Awake me to a world like this?
I loved -- but those I loved are gone;
Had friends -- my early friends are fled:
How cheerless feels the heart alone
When all its former hopes are dead!
Though gay companions o'er the bowl
Dispel awhile the sense of ill;
Though pleasure stirs the maddening soul,
The heart -- the heart -- is lonely still.
How dull! to hear the voice of those
Whom rank or chance, whom wealth or power,
Have made, though neither friends nor foes,
Associates of the festive hour.
Give me again a faithful few,
In years and feelings still the same,
And I will fly the midnight crew,
Where boist'rous joy is but a name.
And woman, lovely woman! thou,
My hope, my comforter, my all!
How cold must be my bosom now,
When e'en thy smiles begin to pall!
Without a sigh I would resign
This busy scene of splendid woe,
To make that calm contentment mine,
Which virtue knows, or seems to know.
Fain would I fly the haunts of men--
I seek to shun, not hate mankind;
My breast requires the sullen glen,
Whose gloom may suit a darken'd mind.
Oh! that to me the wings were given
Which bear the turtle to her nest!
Then would I cleave the vault of heaven,
To flee away and be at rest.
Lord Byron, (George Gordon)
сряда, 6 октомври 2010 г.
Physical Imperfection?
Why do people look so closely at physical flaws these days? Even I, myself, do it occasionally.
There are so many things that can help you alter/improve your looks - make-up, plastic surgeries, clothes, accessories and many more.
I came upon some website, where people were arguing over whether it was right or not to 'go under the knife'. I really don't see the HUGE-slash-ENORMOUS difference between having a plastic surgery done and putting make-up on your face. I'm not against anyone or anything, I just think that everyone has the right to choose for themselves.
Here's the link: http://www.lovelyish.com/733684392/5-reasons-i-would-never-get-a-boob-job/?page=1
*yes, they used the f-word. Yes, more than once; and, yes the b-word is there too. Don't judge.
p.s. I should add that it's pointless to argue, especially on the internet; ps.2 : i posted the link to show that random things don't just pop up in my head (at least not always) and something/someone is the reason I ask myself questions about a particular thing and go over and over through the same issue, unable to solve it; the sentence ends just now.
The real problem is if these people want what they want, because of outer influence; (friends; family; media..etc. I have written about that>>)
And while i'm still on this topic:
Patrick Wolf - the libertine -->
And in this drought of truth and invention,
whoever shouts the loudest
gets the most attention;
so we pass the mic and
they've got nothing to say except:
`Bow down, bow down, bow down to your God.`
Then we hit the floor,
and make ourselves an idol
to bow before.
Well I can't,
and I won't
bow down,
No more.
There are so many things that can help you alter/improve your looks - make-up, plastic surgeries, clothes, accessories and many more.
I came upon some website, where people were arguing over whether it was right or not to 'go under the knife'. I really don't see the HUGE-slash-ENORMOUS difference between having a plastic surgery done and putting make-up on your face. I'm not against anyone or anything, I just think that everyone has the right to choose for themselves.
Here's the link: http://www.lovelyish.com/733684392/5-reasons-i-would-never-get-a-boob-job/?page=1
*yes, they used the f-word. Yes, more than once; and, yes the b-word is there too. Don't judge.
p.s. I should add that it's pointless to argue, especially on the internet; ps.2 : i posted the link to show that random things don't just pop up in my head (at least not always) and something/someone is the reason I ask myself questions about a particular thing and go over and over through the same issue, unable to solve it; the sentence ends just now.
The real problem is if these people want what they want, because of outer influence; (friends; family; media..etc. I have written about that>>)
And while i'm still on this topic:
Patrick Wolf - the libertine -->
And in this drought of truth and invention,
whoever shouts the loudest
gets the most attention;
so we pass the mic and
they've got nothing to say except:
`Bow down, bow down, bow down to your God.`
Then we hit the floor,
and make ourselves an idol
to bow before.
Well I can't,
and I won't
bow down,
No more.
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